Health Infrastructure NSW
Dunmore Rd, Shellharbour NSW

Our involvement

  • Geotechnical site investigation across 25ha greenfield site selected for new regional hospital;
  • Combined with extensive contamination investigations required to support a State Significant Development (SSD) application and address the Planning Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) including:
    • Preliminary and detailed site investigations;
    • Preparation of Remediation Action Plan (RAP);
    • Acid Sulfate Soil (ASS) and salinity assessments; and
    • A Surface and Groundwater Impact Assessment (SGIA).
  • Development of digital 3D ground model of site using Leapfrog software
  • Specialist Engineering Assessment (SEA) on impacts to rail corridor
  • Numerical modelling (using Plaxis software) for deformation analysis for pile design
  • Hazardous Building Materials (HAZMAT) survey of site structures
  • Preparation of an in-ground Asbestos Management Plan (AMP) for construction
  • Preparation of a Virgin Excavated Natural Material (VENM) Certificate

Project challenges

The 25-hectare site was subdivided into four zones (Zone A to Zone D) for investigation and included Aboriginal Heritage Areas that could not be disturbed, roaming cattle and locally steep slopes of up to 20°.

Borehole drilling was undertaken through very hard volcanic Latite rock, which required more powerful drilling rigs.

The fieldwork for the latter part of the investigation program was also impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Our Solutions / Achievements:

JK managed liaison with the client and other stakeholders to ensure a robust investigation program was designed and captured in a Sampling, Analysis and Quality Plan (SAQP) to address the Aboriginal Heritage Areas and manage safety issues associated with the roaming cattle and locally steep slopes, while not impacting the quality of the investigation outcomes.

All scopes of work were completed within budget and timeframes as discussed and agreed with the client for timely lodgement of documentation.

Our analytical (geotechnical) team was able to support the project structural engineering consultant with the required pile deformation analysis during the detailed design phase of the project.