Department of Education
Edmondson Park, NSW

Our Involvement:

Consultancy services and investigations required to support a State Significant Development (SSD) application and address the Planning Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) including:

  • Preliminary and detailed site investigations;
  • Acid Sulfate Soil (ASS) and salinity assessments; and
  • A Surface and Groundwater Impact Assessment (SGIA).

Project Challenges:

At the time of the initial JKE investigations, part of the site was being utilised as a contractors’ yard for the neighbouring primary school development. Subsequent to the initial investigation and following completion of the neighbouring development, the contractor left extensive stockpiles of surplus soil/clay and other imported materials. A pragmatic approach to the site investigation was needed to ensure that excessive or ineffective investigation methods were not inflicted on the client, and contamination risks were not unnecessarily conservative.

Our Solutions / Achievements:

JKE implemented a robust, phased and cost effective investigation methodology, and  provided contamination related services and advice to the client to assist with the requirement to return  the site in a suitable state from the contractor, for the proposed high school development.