Lipman / City of Parramatta Council
Parramatta, NSW

Our involvement

  • Preliminary contamination screening.
  • Detailed and data gap investigations.
  • Preparation of Remediation Action Plan (RAP).
  • Preparation of Asbestos Management Plan (AMP)
  • Preparation of Waste Classification Assessments.
  • Preparation of Virgin Excavated Natural Material (VENM) Certificates.
  • Provision of contamination management/validation services required under the RAP and AMP, during the site development works.
  • Preparation of Clearance Certificates following asbestos in soil removal.

Project challenges

The site history indicated that localised land filling and demolition of structures had been undertaken across the site prior to its initial use as a golf course, and later, as a pubic reserve.  Given the location of the site in Parramatta, there were also archaeological constraints which impacted the timing and design of investigations at the site. The contamination investigation identified numerous contamination hotspots across the site that required remediation to make the site suitable for the proposed development.

Our solutions

Following the phased investigations undertaken at the site by JKE to allow for time and access constraints, the RAP included a robust Data Gap Investigation (DGI) process to close out an uncertainty in the areas previously inaccessible.  The validation plan, included in the RAP, considered the extent of construction works required for the development and allowed for the creation of remediation work zones within the site so that construction could continue on the wider site areas and not to impinge on the construction program. JKE provided land contamination and asbestos services throughout validation of the site and prepared the environmental reports required to facilitate the issue of a Section A site audit statement from an independent, NSW EPA-accredited contaminated sites auditor on completion.