Kirrawee, NSW

Our involvement

  • Initial pre-purchase due diligence contamination assessment.
  • Preliminary, detailed and data gap investigations.
  • Hazardous Building Materials (HAZMAT) Survey.
  • Preparation of overarching Remediation Action Plan (RAP).
  • Preparation of Contamination Management Plan (CMP) for subdivision works.
  • Preparation of a Long-Term Environmental Management plan (LTEMP) for management of contamination.
  • Expert witness involvement during proceedings in Land and Environment Court of NSW.
  • Provision of contamination management/validation services required under the CMP, during the minor site works associated with the subdivision.

Project challenges

The site had a long and relatively complex industrial history, and had been investigated on various occasions to support previous development applications by others. The proposed subdivision included minimal site disturbance and the site was to be largely left intact, with the existing pavements remaining in-situ. As there was no built form of development or approval for use being sought for the  subdivision application, a pragmatic approach was needed so that contamination risks were not unnecessarily altered via the implementation of excessive or ineffective remediation, at a time when the development and proposed land use details for each subdivision lot were not known.

Our solutions / achievements

JK Environments implemented a robust investigation process and developed an overarching RAP, CMP and LTEMP so the consent authority was satisfied that the site was suitable for the proposed subdivision from a contamination viewpoint, and that the site could be made suitable for future developments via further remediation (where necessary) when details of such proposed developments and applications for use of the land were better understood.

JK Environments provided contamination expert services during the Class 1 appeal in the Land and Environment Court, including engagement during the s.34 conciliation conference, preparation of a joint expert report for the court, and expert witness services during the hearing. The subdivision application was approved and JK Environments prepared the environmental reports required to facilitate the issue of a Section A site audit statement from an independent, NSW EPA-accredited contaminated sites auditor on completion.